Wild Garlic and Watercress Pesto

Wild garlic, like its bulbous cousin is powerfully anti- inflammatory and great for calming an overworked body. Paired here with watercress, a bitter leaf that helps to stimulate digestion, this pesto is a good tonic for gently removing toxins from the body. 80g wild garlic 70g watercress 1 smoked garlic clove (unsmoked will do if … Read more

Jerusalem Artichoke, Shiitake and Lemon Verbena Soup

An immune-boosting dish that packs an umami punch. Jerusalem artichokes are a fantastically creamy root for a soup, and are low GL, so great for stabilising blood sugar. 6 dried shiitake mushrooms 1 tbsp dried lemon verbena leaves 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 8 shallots, peeled and finely sliced 1 bay leaf 350g Jerusalem … Read more

Walnut Pesto

I’m not going to use the ‘C’ word, but I am going to risk the “W’, one as in ‘Walnuts’. At Christmas. Ick! Actually, the bitter taste of walnuts has grown on me but, as a child, there was always one at the bottom of my Christmas stocking and aside from chucking it at one … Read more