An immune-boosting dish that packs an umami punch. Jerusalem artichokes are a fantastically creamy root for a soup, and are low GL, so great for stabilising blood sugar.

  • 6 dried shiitake mushrooms
  • 1 tbsp dried lemon verbena leaves
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 8 shallots, peeled and finely sliced
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 350g Jerusalem artichokes, roughly peeled
  • 500ml vegetable stock (homemade or shop-bought) 5 sprigs of oregano
  • 2cm fresh ginger, peeled and grated
  • 1 apple, cored and cubed, skin on
  • Smoked salt and pepper to taste

Reserve the shallot skins and scrubbed Jerusalem artichoke skins for your next vegetable stock.

1. Boil a kettle of water. Add 300ml water to the dried shiitakes and lemon verbena leaves, set to one side and leave to infuse and rehydrate for 20 minutes.

2. Heat a medium/large stock pan with a tablespoon of olive oil on the hob. Add the shallots and bay leaf, sweating on a low/medium heat till soft and glossy.

3. Finely slice the Jerusalem artichokes and add to the pan with 100ml of the vegetable stock (this is to stop the vegetables sticking). Follow with the oregano leaves and fresh ginger.

4. Season well with smoked salt and black pepper, then leave to soften for 5 minutes before adding the apple. Cook on a low/medium heat for another 10 minutes until the Jerusalem artichokes are very soft. Add a little more of your stock if the vegetables start to stick.

5. Add the rehydrated shiitakes in thin strips, the remainder of the bone broth and the lemon verbena and shiitake water.

6. Remove from the heat and, with a hand blender, blitz until the soup is creamy. If you would like it a little thinner, add a little water to your desired consistency.

7. Top with fresh apple slices to add crunch and freshness or dehydrated fresh shiitake mushrooms to enhance the immune-boosting properties of this soup.